We may need to configure Weblogic for invoking one way https webservice from Weblogic/OSB. It is very easy to do that.
The following are the procedures required for the same.
1. keytool -import -file <<TrustFileStore.crt>> -keystore /software/bea/Middleware/osb/
*(password – DemoTrustKeyStorePassPhrase)
2. set this propety in setDomainEnv.sh
3. Restart the managed servers.
4. Create one business service to invoke the https service.
The following are the procedures required for the same.
1. keytool -import -file <<TrustFileStore.crt>> -keystore /software/bea/Middleware/osb/
*(password – DemoTrustKeyStorePassPhrase)
2. set this propety in setDomainEnv.sh
3. Restart the managed servers.
4. Create one business service to invoke the https service.